Sunday, March 15, 2009


        What ever happened to the days when a million dollars was a lot of money? Today they talk in billions and trillions and one million sounds  like pocket change.
        The other day they asked Barrack about the contract that was put out by the last administration, a couple of years ago, for new presidential helicopters, that already cost us two billion and we don't have one helicopter to show for it and guess what they canceled the contract so what about the two billion bucks we already paid to develop these presidential helicopters, I guess we can just kiss it good by. Hell it was only two billion bucks, chicken feed.
        Today on the news AIG was handing out over about a hundred and sixty million in bonuses from the bail out money we gave them. What's a few million bucks from the couple of hundred billion we gave them. pocket change. Maybe they'll go out and by some new Cadillac and help out G.M. who also got a few billion from us tax payers.
       So what can you buy for a million bucks today? I guess you could buy a bunch of useless stock from all these outfits we shoveling bailout money to or maybe about twenty Cadillacs at fifty grand a piece. You could retire on it as long as you don't plan on living more than twenty years and you have health insurance. 
     As for me I taking my thirteen dollars and buying Preparation H cause I know there's a lot of screwing yet to come and I want to be prepared.      


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