Friday, June 30, 2006

Ear test can be fun

     Yesterday I went to the ear doctor for a test This test consisted of sitting reclined in a chair with two electrodes on my forehead and one in each ear. All I had to do was sit there for about a half hour with my eyes close and do nothing. Try it sometime. You won't believe the crazy stuff that goes Thur your head. For some reason the words, eww goo was floating around in there and I was wondering what kind of product could be named EWW GOO. I could think of a few like a lubricant, you know. Then of coarse that thought led me naturally to doggie condoms. Hey I said crazy stuff. Can you imagine trying to put a condom on a dog? No thanks!!!!
      Then there was be kind to your fish day, kind of fish independence day, to commemorate the day the catholic church did away with meatless Fridays and spared millions of fish from the big batter dip,  you know take him for a walk, maybe take him to the beach for a swim in the ocean.
      I can imagine what the technician was thinking watching me trying not to laugh and spoiling the test but I'm probably not the only guy with a sick mind she has given the test to. I'll bet she tried it after I left to she why I was having so much fun.   

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

In the news, K9 protection

     In the news, the makers of Trojan condoms today announced that they will be producing a new product, K 9 Condoms, that's right, condoms for your dog. Now instead of having Rover go Thur the pain of neutering and the depression of being less a male you can simply slip a K 9 Condom on him before you let him out the door and Rover is covered to do what comes naturally. They will come in three flavors, beef liver and chicken for Rover's enjoyment 
    Bob Barker, the host of the Price is Right, who promotes spading and neutering of pet stated that this is a revolutionary product in the control of the pet population and he supports them 100%  

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Friday, June 23, 2006

    On the news We hear about Iran's nuclear program, North Korea's missile test and I wonder who they are getting the technology from. No one asks the question
    We hear about the war in Iraq and the insurgents killing our people and the Iraqi civilians every day and I wonder who they get their weapons and training from. No one asks the question.
   We see the mass killings in Africa and men who can't afford to feed themselves running around with  AK47's and all the ammunition they can carry and wonder who they get their weapons from. No one ask the question.
   Our government talks about the global war on terror but does nothing about stopping the real weapons of mass destruction. How many people can be killed with a single AK47 How many people can be killed with a single roadside bomb?
    Why does no one ask the question? Are the afraid of what the answer will be? Who is really behind all the unrest in the world today and what is their purpose?
     Look around at what's happening around the world. Do you really think it being carried out by some radical Moslem's or is it being fueled by a third party designed to take down the united states?
     We can never hope to win the global war on terror till we ask the question and stop the flow of weapons to these killers.  

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


    WHY IS IT THAT, every time you look at a woman she looks down at her chest? What does she expect to see? Is she checking to see if the are even, Damn that left one  always hangs a little lower that the right or maybe she saying to herself, eat your heart out, that's as close to them you'll ever get to them. Do guys look down to see which side he's hanging on when a women looks at him? Maybe only to see if his fly is down because there's nothing else to see there. 
     WHY IS IT THAT, all babies are cute? At what age do we get ugly? I guess it depends on the kid. I've see some real ugly six year olds but then I've seen some that don't get ugly till their teenagers and others don't get ugly till we're seniors, not mentioning any names.I mean did you really ever see a real cute ninety year old? They might look good for their age but cute, come on.
     WHY IS IT THAT,a dog all was spins around in circles before he poops? Do they need centrifugal force to get things moving? Do some all ways go clockwise and others counter clockwise like people who write left or right handed and are some ambidextrous and can spin either way and still poop?
     WHY IS IT THAT, I have all these strange question floating around in my head? Maybe I should go cut the grass and do something constructive, naaaa, ain't going to happen.

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Monday, June 19, 2006

In the news, cool pockets

    In the news, The makers of Levi Jeans today announced a new line of jeans. Cool Pockets. These jeans come with water tight pockets. That's right, water tight pockets which allows the wearer to put ice into their pockets to cool the old family jewel on the hottest days, Finally a cure for those old sticky gonads.
    The American Medical Association is also interested in the jean.It seem that chilling the Family Jewels helps people who have fertility problems so now instead of going around with little baggies of ice in their pockets they can put the ice directly into their pockets and with the hose adapter you can have a sip cold water anytime you want. 
   The spokesperson for Levi stated the jeans should be in the store for July 4th.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

tax cut

    Little People of Rhode Island, get your umbrella's ready. We're about to be trickled on.The new state's budget includes a tax break for those who make over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. That's $250,000, like they really need it.  Don't you hate it when that happens. They get richer and we get trickled on. Maybe you'll feel better if you think of it this way. They're at the top of the hill and we're at the bottom and you know what runs down hill, yea, DO DO. That's pretty crappy so a little trickle now and then isn't too bad as long as you keep your umbrella handy. 
    I think I figured it out. We don't make enough money to pay taxes we can't get a tax cut so the only solution is they'll have to stop trickling on us and give us a good soaking.
    What gets me is they come out with these Tax exempt accounts, like for college and retirement accounts so we can say, remember, Honey, we don't eat Thursday, we need to put twenty dollars into Junior college fund and these law makers think they're doing us a favor. HELLO, IF I DON'T MAKE ENOUGH TO GET A TAX CUT, WE CAN PUT MONEY AWAY FOR JUNIORS COLLEGE FUND AND WE'LL PROBABLY WORK TILL WE DIE SO WHO'S WORRIED ABOUT RETIREMENT!!!!!!!

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

In the news, Presidential party.

    In the news, According to a reliable source President Bush made a secret trip to Iraq to day. It was so secret he didn't even know he was going. There was suppose to be a meeting at Camp David with the usual crowd, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Conney Rice.
    It seems things got out of hand after a few after dinner drinks and Conney Rice suggested they drop in on the new Prime Minister of Iraq. Conney said he's a party animal once you get him loaded so the President put a call in and had Air Force One fueled up and off they went, 12 hours later they were knocking on the Prime Ministers door, who answered the door in his under ware. I seem he was caught spreading his own form of democracy in the Middle East.
     According to our source the price tag for this excursion is about 6 million dollars.if you include the bail money paid to the Iraqi police to get Donal Rumsfeld out of jail for public urination.
     The White House had no comment, all though word has it Laura is quite angry with George and he'll be sleeping in the Oval Office for a while.

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

News at 6, can horses talk?

     I got to see this. Channel 10 news is going to have a story about a professor who is doing a study on, If horses could talk what would they say, no kidding. Who pays for these studies and how do you know what a horse would say? Hey pal get off my back. Where's my damn oats? Check the tail on that Philly. I think I'll poop on the floor of my stall so the Moron can clean it up again, he really hates that. Woh, those oats give me gas.
   I'd like to know what a cows says while she's being milked, Oh yea Baby, you know what I like. Hey warm up those hands. I think I'll let him get down on the stool before I poop, he hates that. Your not really going to drink that stuff, that's sick.
   From what they said this guy records the horses when they whinney and tries to figure out if it means anything. Good luck. I guess it beats working for a living. They didn't say who's paying for it. I hope it's not our tax dollars. 

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

In the news, New game show and ducks on the move

     In the news, CBS today announced that they will be producing a new game show to compete with Deal or no Deal, a game show that take no knowledge to play. CBS plans to air a game show called Your Guess is as good as mine. Contestants will be asked questions to which there is no answer and if their guess is as good as the host's answer they will win such things as a years supply of Condoms or a trip to Onleyville Rhode Island. The viewers will vote by telephone to decide if the contestants guess was as good as the host's guess. The call will cost 99 cent and the money will go toward the Game show host retirement fund.
    In other news, thousands of duck were see flying out of New England. According to the fish and game spokesperson the ducks are leaving because it's just too wet up here and they are heading for Arizona to spend their days on the swimming pools of the retirees who moved there from New England.

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Irans wepons of mass distruction

        Why is the United States so worried about Irans nuclear program when Iran already has Weapons of mass dist ruction. These weapons are the weapons they are supplying to the insurgents who are killing our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians every day. If George is so interested in going to war with Iran he could use that as excuse. Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism in the world.
         How can we stop terrorist attacks if we don't confront the countries that are supplying them weapons. Who is supplying these weapons to Iran? How about Russia and china? They are flooding the world with these weapons of mass dist ruction. Ever see a Somalian who can't afford shoes firring of hundreds of rounds of ammunition? I bet that a Russian AK 47in his hands but we would never confront Russia and China so we pick on Iran and their nuclear program who's technology probably comes from Russia.
         The cold was is never ended when the Berlin wall came down, it still going on and we're loosing.

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Friday, June 02, 2006

In the news, no laughs and national security.

    In the news, After two day of laughter free  comedy programs the American people are tuning in on CSPAN.They actually watching their government at work, which has some Senators and congressmen very nervous.
   Senator Kennedy has offered to act as arbitrator to negotiate a settlement between the net work and the International union of laughers. Senator Kennedy stated that this could become a problem to our national security if people start paying attention to how our government really works.
   When asked, Mr Peter Potts stated that after watching King of Queens, with no laughter, me and the misses decided to watch the government channel for laughs but when we started watching it we saw nothing funny about the way our government works. Hell sometimes their up there giving speeches and no one's in the room to hear it, and the way they spend our money should be a against the law but they make the laws so it probably isn't. I tell you we got to make some changes.

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Who's to blame?

     How many time can you send our soldiers into combat? Some of our people have been sent over three or four time and when something go wrong our government wonder why. Concidering the stress these our people are under I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner.
     Did we learn nothing from Vietnam and the Mia Lie Masacre? Iraq like Vietnan the enemy has no face. It could be any one, man or women and death can come from anywhere with out warnig..The problem with Iraq is our millitary is it's all volunteer, there's no draft to keep the supply of people rotating. In vietnam, soldiers usually had a one year tour of duty and they were rotated out.Our people today have no idea how many time they'll be sent back and if that's not bad enough a large number of them are National Guard who are surpose to be part time.
       Who is to blame for the killing of these Iraqi civilians? The marines who did the actual killing, their comanders or our government. The killing of civilians is never acceptiabe even in war but the comanders of these marines should have seen some signs that these soldiers had a problem. Of corse our government can't be blamed because our president never makes mistakes and  he already declared mission accomplished so I guess the little guys are going to take the blame again, not that the people who pulled the trigger should be punished but the people over them should also be punished. 
      I think it's time to either bring our troops home or start sending some fresh troops over and give our repeat combat troops a break. 

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