Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cuts in programs only a temporary solution.

       In the journal this morning Nov, 28th was an article about the governor cutting social programs and people on welfare. How can you solve this problem when the only jobs the state is only interested in attracting  high tech jobs to our state. Here in Smithfield, Fidelity and Dow have set up shop and that's great except for the fact that the jobs they provide are not for the people on welfare.
       How does the governor expect to get people off welfare if the state does not try to attract companies that provide manufacturing jobs and the like that provide jobs for people with limited skills so these people can make a decent wage and get out of the system.
       Another solution to the problem is  education , not just in Rhode Island but our whole country, our education system is geared to the fact that everyone is going to college when the fact is that not every student actually can or wants to go to college and a student graduating from high school today has not learned the skills to survive in our society. What the system needs is more vocational train, starting around junior high school. This would also help solve the drop out problem because the students who know  they are not going to college will see they are actually learning something  that can help them get a job when they graduate and they will become tax paying citizens.
       Cutting social programs may help solve the budget problems but it's only a temporary solution. There has to be a long term solution which should include jobs and a change in our education goals.

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

    Well happy Turkey  day unless your a turkey then thanks for your sacrifice. I wonder how the turkey got to be the symbol of the thanks giving dinner, it was probably the first thing the pilgrim saw that morning. Hey Martha, I'm going out back to take a dump. I'll bring dinner back. What a lovely day,  Hey there's  a nice log, I think I'll just take a seat, do my business  and wait for dinner to walk by.
    Damn, it's been over an hour and all I've seen is those ugly damn birds. OH well I guess we're having bird for dinner . Martha's not going to be happy but what can I do , it'll be dark soon. Hey Martha, here's dinner.
    Damn it George, not bird again, YOU TURKEY.
    HA HA, get it? I just couldn't resist it. Happy Thanksgiving.


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Saturday, November 17, 2007


       What I'd like to know is where exactly is there. I mean when my kids were small we'd be driving along and they'd ask Daddy are we there yet and I say no, not yet. Finally  we'd get where we were going and I'd OK kids, where here. Some how we'd never get THERE where ever that is.
        THAT, is another thing I don't understand. My wife asks me can you pick that up for me so I go over and pick it up. What the hell happened to THAT? I mean it was THAT when I went over to pick THAT up but when I got there, THAT was IT.In fact I looked all over and all I found was IT.
         The other day my wife told me go over THERE and pick THAT up. Now this really confused me so I said you mean go over HERE and pick IT up. She said NO, go over THERE and pick that up. So I walked over and ask her where am I? She told me, your over THERE. I told her, no, I'm over HERE. She said now bend over and pick That up and I said HERE IT is.
         OH, my head hurts. I'm so confused. I think I got it or that. THAT becomes IT when it over HERE but when  IT is over THERE, IT becomes THAT.
        I give up, time to go, I just don't know if I'm going here or there but one things for sure, no matter where you go HERE you are.

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Friday, November 16, 2007


       Why does the Governor call his plan to reduce the state work force a lay off when he has no plans to call these workers back. What he is really doing is abolishing state jobs and if he does fill these positions it will be through privatization
       What is council 94 doing to protect the state workers while the Governor continues his plan to privatize the state work force? How can they stand by and watch as their dues paying members are being pushed out and replaced by nonunion private workers Thu what the Governor call a layoff.
        Being a retired state worker, I am totally disgusted by both the Governor and Council 94. Abolishing jobs of workers, some of whom have worked for the state for many years, is unconscionable.
        The governor calls his plan a lay off to get around the union contract but abolishing jobs to privatize the state work force should be against the law and Council 94 should be fighting for their members before it's too late..       

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


         Were you disappointed with you flower garden this summer? Were the colors not what you expected after spend hundreds of dollars on fertilizer and hours weeding and planting? Then here's some good news from CRACK Products.
       Crack Products has developed a fertilizer  that is gaunted to give you the brightest colors and biggest flowers ever. That's right, and what makes our fertilizer so special? BUTTERFLY POOP. That's right we have constructed huge warehouse in Montana where we have bred millions of butterfly's. We collect their poop and add it to our special fertilizer and tested it on our secret gardens. The results, the biggest brightest flowers ever.
       For the best results you must spread the fertilizer in the fall before the ground freezes and again in the spring when you plant your flowers and you'll be amazed at the results. To order simply send $29.99 per bag to CRACKO PRODUCTS   PO, BOX 1547, BUTE, MONTANA, 09563
       Order today our supplies won't last.  

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Memory from the past.

       I was thinking the other day about the crazy things we did when we were kids and one thing came to mind. We were about 10 years old and one of my friends found a big old round metal wash tub and got the bright idea to sail it down the 10 mile river. So there we were, a bunch of 10 year olds carrying a big wash tub up to Slater Park ,in Pawtucket, to see our friend Johnny Hockwater take a trip down the river. Oh yea, as we walked other kids would ask what we were doing and decided to tag along to see him take his cruise. By the time we got there there was about 20 kids.
      Well we finally get there and find a place to launch Johnny' vessel, it wasn't a very good spot because there was a wall there so we put the tub in the water and Johnny had to step into it and you guessed it he put one foot in and the thing flipped right over and little Johnny ended up in the river and we pulled him out. How embarrassing. Everyone was laughing and Johnny was all wet and the wash tub end up at the bottom of the Ten Mile River. I bet the thing is still there.
      All in all it was we had a good day filled with great expectation. It didn't turn out the way we expected but we all had a good laugh even Johnny. I wonder what he told his mother when she asked him how he got so wet.

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Happy Veterans Day

      Happy Veterans Day to all of you who were drafted, volunteered or told by the police, join the Army or go to jail and went off to boot camp and the rude awakening of military life where you were transformed into a soldier, a killing machine, an army of one. Yea, their tactics were  crude and barbaric  but look what  they had to work with.  They had to teach  a bunch of young  people to come together and  work  as a team to over come an enemy out to kill them. They must have done a good job because your here to read my stupid E mail.
      Anyways.  one things for sure, it was a life changing experience. I know that in those four year my life changed. from boot camp to survival school, that was a whole different experience in itself, to a boat in Vietnam, where I turned 21, the legal age to drink and vote and finally on to Little Creek Virginia from which I made two Mediterranean cruises. I also got married before leaving on my second cruise and made my first son who arrived on November 11th, Veterans Day,a couple of months after I was discharged. Talk about life changing in just four years.
     So happy Veterans day to all who served willingly or not you did a grat job.

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