Sunday, November 11, 2007

Memory from the past.

       I was thinking the other day about the crazy things we did when we were kids and one thing came to mind. We were about 10 years old and one of my friends found a big old round metal wash tub and got the bright idea to sail it down the 10 mile river. So there we were, a bunch of 10 year olds carrying a big wash tub up to Slater Park ,in Pawtucket, to see our friend Johnny Hockwater take a trip down the river. Oh yea, as we walked other kids would ask what we were doing and decided to tag along to see him take his cruise. By the time we got there there was about 20 kids.
      Well we finally get there and find a place to launch Johnny' vessel, it wasn't a very good spot because there was a wall there so we put the tub in the water and Johnny had to step into it and you guessed it he put one foot in and the thing flipped right over and little Johnny ended up in the river and we pulled him out. How embarrassing. Everyone was laughing and Johnny was all wet and the wash tub end up at the bottom of the Ten Mile River. I bet the thing is still there.
      All in all it was we had a good day filled with great expectation. It didn't turn out the way we expected but we all had a good laugh even Johnny. I wonder what he told his mother when she asked him how he got so wet.

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