Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Veterans Day

      Happy Veterans Day to all of you who were drafted, volunteered or told by the police, join the Army or go to jail and went off to boot camp and the rude awakening of military life where you were transformed into a soldier, a killing machine, an army of one. Yea, their tactics were  crude and barbaric  but look what  they had to work with.  They had to teach  a bunch of young  people to come together and  work  as a team to over come an enemy out to kill them. They must have done a good job because your here to read my stupid E mail.
      Anyways.  one things for sure, it was a life changing experience. I know that in those four year my life changed. from boot camp to survival school, that was a whole different experience in itself, to a boat in Vietnam, where I turned 21, the legal age to drink and vote and finally on to Little Creek Virginia from which I made two Mediterranean cruises. I also got married before leaving on my second cruise and made my first son who arrived on November 11th, Veterans Day,a couple of months after I was discharged. Talk about life changing in just four years.
     So happy Veterans day to all who served willingly or not you did a grat job.

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