Thursday, October 25, 2007

Important message from Rome.

          Dear Mrs Davis
                         It has come to my attention that you used the S word in the company of one of my devoted servant, Sister Mary Mary. According to the official report from a witness at the scene, you bumped into a column,in the cafeteria at Fatima Hospital, spilling your husbands coffee just prior to the alleged incident and then later, in an attempt to repent, tried to clean up the mess you created.
          Although I realize that the S word was the result of a slip of the tongue I must advise you that the use of such language in the future could result in condemnation for all eternity.
          Please say two Our Fathers and four Hail Marys as your penance and may God have mercy on your soul.
                                                                                   Thank you,
                                                                                     Pope Benedict
PS. tell your one and only friend Carol we got our eye on her.

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