Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Imfamous Pecker Head Migration

      On my trip back from North Carolina I observed a strange phenomenon, the migration of the infamous Pecker Heads. It seem the travel up Route 95 north to the Garden State Parkway on to the Tapenzee Bridge.
      While traveling up 95 north at my usual high way speed, 65 to 70 MPH, I realized that the infamous Pecker Heads travel in packs of 10 t0 20, at speeds up to 90 MPH, all though I noticed they sometimes send out scouts to check the road ahead..
     For those of you not familiar with the infamous Pecker Head, it's the most inconsiderate animal on earth which would have no problem running you off the road if it meant arriving at it's destination a few minutes earlier.They also continue running down a lane even though all the warning signs read, lane ends in one mile, hoping to cut in front of some one in the long line of cars who has been waiting patiently in line for their turn to move on. I'm sure you 'vie seen them.
     Anyways, on the high way they have what they call toll booths where you get to pay money for the privilege of traveling with these Pecker Heads. These toll booths are designed to cause as much confusion as possible. You see the high way goes from three lanes to as many as ten but not all lanes take cash, some are for speed passes only others take cash and speed passes. Your job is to decide which lane suits you while all these Pecker Heads go in all different directions. God forbid you get in the wrong lane and drive Thur with out being able to pay cause they have cameras that take pictures of your license plate and they will mail you a ticket for about a hundred dollars. Once they get their money your on your own.   This is where the fun begins. The ten lane where you got to pay for the privilege of traveling with these Pecker Heads turn into three about a quarter mile after the toll booths and hundreds of these Pecker Heads are taking off like their butts are on fire, going in all directions, horns blowing and one poor non Pecker Head stopped right in the middle of this mess not knowing where to go. Poor Bastard!!.
      After a lot of swearing and  flipping a whole bunch of birds at everyone around me we finally make it to the 287 cut off and back on to 95 north where a whole new breed of Pecker Heads travel but that a whole other story.
     All in all it was quite an experience that added some unexpected excitement to our trip although my wife informed me she don't ever want to take that route again. At least not during the Annual Pecker Head Migration.

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