Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm back.

      Well I haven't written any thing in a while so hear goes.Time to get a few things out that really gets to me. I see we lost 5 more people, that's what they are, in Iraq yesterday but I guess that's the price we have to pay for democracy but why don't we hear about Iraqi losses. Sure we hear about civilians lost to bombings but we seldom hear about losses to the Iraqi military. We hear that they are not ready to take over the security of their country. Our president say when they stand up our troops can come home, maybe what they need is a little on the job training. Experience is the best teacher and where is the Iraqi government? On vacation because it's too hot. What price are they paying? 
     OK, my grand kids were here for a while, all 4 of them and we were going thru about a gallon of milk a day. Does anyone know what a gallon of milk cost? How about $4.50, That's crazy. It's cheeper to give them beer and they'd be alot happier. Why aren't people complaining about it? If gas was $4.00 a gallon people would be screaming. 
     Next, Where are all the police on the high ways? People are out there doing 90 MPH, killing each other. I don't care if they kill themselves cause I figure the high way will be safer without them but I don't want them to take me with them. Why do we have speed limit signs if no ones there to enforce them, maybe we should just take them down and save money on their maintenance and put up signs that say NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE, DRIVE AT YOUR OWN RISK. At least it would take the state off the hook. 
     Finally, Cell phones. People talk on the constantly, in grocery stores, restaurants, movie theaters,and the one that really gets me is while they are driving. What the hell is so important? Do we really need to be in contact 24 hours a day or are we just brain washed. Hell I have enough voices in my head with out a damn cell phone. Some day people will be lining up to have a chip placed in their head so they won't have to carry a phone. I fear that technology is taking over our lives, just look at me. I never wrote anything before I was introduced to a computer.
     There I feel much better now.  

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