Saturday, June 30, 2007

      What would happen if we just told our elected officials , enough is enough, stop making  new laws and enforce the one we already have? How many laws do we need? If they can't agree on a new immigration bill then maybe we don't need one.
      Take a simple little law like speed limits, if the speed limits were enforced the state and towns would make a lot of money and maybe real estate taxes would go down. The number of auto accidents and fatalities would go down so insurance rates would go down and with people driving slower cars wouldn't need all the technology in today's cars like air bags so the price of auto would go down, not to mention going slower would mean higher gas mileage so gas prices would go down and the auto industry wouldn't need Washington forcing them to make more fuel efficient cars so the price of autos would come down even more.  Look at all the benefits we get for enforcing just one little law. Imagine the benefits of enforcing one of the big laws like the immigration laws all ready on the books.
      You know it's getting to a point that you'll get arrested for obeying the law because there is another law that makes the first law illegal but I guess that's what we get for electing  lawyers to public office.I mean they make money from the law, more laws, more money, right? Maybe we should elect plumbers, at least our toilets would all ways work and maybe the could write a law that you wouldn't need a lawyer, who get four hundred dollars and hour to tell you what it says. 

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