Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tukus Maximous sighting

        Well today, while I was taking my walk, I couldn't believe my eyes. Right there in the front yard of a house was a Tukus Maximous, that's right. I couldn't miss it. It was on the front lawn attached to a woman who was bent over pulling weeds out of her lawn. I don't know if she knew it was there cause she was bending over and didn't seem bothered by it.I tried not to look but I couldn't help but notice, after all I had to walk right by her.
     I was going to ask her if she realized that as she bent over everyone driving by could she her Tukus Maximous and a lot more than I wanted to see but I decided against it, some thing are just better left alone so I just said good morning as I passed by.
    In all my years of running and walking this was the first real Tukus Maximous I've seen, I mean up close. Yea, I've seen lots Tukus, they come in all sizes and shapes and are pleasant to look at but I've never seen a real Maximus, I guess this was my lucky day. I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.. .. .

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