Sunday, April 22, 2007

i can't take it and the Popes' decision

        Well I've about had it with all the news coverage on the Virginia tech shooting. Give me a break. Yea it was a real tragedy, horrifying but the news coverage has gone too far. If I was a nut case about ready to snap the coverage this week would put me over the edge, SNAP!!. Can you imagine being a parent of one of these students, it's not bad enough loosing your child but you have to hear it on every TV, Radio station and news paper you pick up is cruel and unusual punishment. Enough is enough, some times enough is too much.
      I know religion is a sacred subject but I see the pope has decided that a baby that dies before being baptized may not spend time in Limbo after all. I guess that goes the way of not eating meat on Friday and saying mass in Latin. Me, I believe in God but all this other stuff that organize religion puts out is not for me. You know if your good you go to heaven but if you were good most of the time but did some bad stuff you got to spend time in Purgatory, kind of like minimum security and if you were real bad you go to hell, probably the only time you'll get to tell George Bush face to face what you really think of him, get there early there's probably going to be a big line. Now don't get all excited I'm talking for me and no one else. Everyone has the right to believe what they want. but you got to admit that some of the stuff that some religions put out is kind of nuts. Look at the Jews and circumcision, what's that all about? How about some Muslims, not all, if you strap a bomb to yourself  and blow yourself and some Innocent people up, you go to heaven and get seven virgins, hell, it would take a lot more than seven virgins to get me to do that, I think they better throw in a couple of hookers too. What I'd like to know is where are all these virgins are coming from, no wonder we have a shortage down here. I better end here before I get in real trouble, I already got the Catholic, Jews and Moslem's mad at me, not to mention the big guy himself, GOD Sorry God, just kidding. I know you like a good joke, you put Bush in the White House. 

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