Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ever wonder.

         Ever wonder why the Easter Bunny brings eggs? Who thought up the idea of a bunny bringing eggs? Probably some chicken farmers sitting around at the United Poultry Farmers of America convention bitching that egg sales were down and some one from in back of the room with a few Gin and Tonics under his belt said, I know we'll tell all the kids that and Easter Bunny is going to hide colored egg in their yards. Hell if they believe some fat guy in a red suite riding in a slay pulled by flying reindeer's brings toy at Christmas they'll believe a rabbit can bring eggs on Easter  You know the kids will be all excited and the parents will have to run out the night before Easter to buy dozens of eggs and spend all night boiling, coloring and hiding the damn things so the kids won't be disappointed Easter morning. 
       Then of course the Candy people saw how good the egg farmers were doing so they decided to make eggs out of chocolate and hell why not push plastic egg that you can put Jelly Beans inside of.
       Don't ask me how the pig farmers got got into it but everyone has to have a ham for Easter Dinner. Now throw in flowers, greeting cards, stuffed animals, and all the other holiday stuff and everyone makes money and it all started with the poultry farmer in the back of the room who was working on his 10th Gin and Tonic. Kind of gives creditability to the therory that  getting bombed on Gin and Tonic makes your brain work to solve big problems.I wonder, is it the Gin or the Tonic that makes it work?     

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