Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Birthday to me

          Well tomorrow I'll be 60 years old. Happy Birthday to me.It don't seem possible. I know what my parents were doing in June of 46, making me, Thanks Mom and Dad, hope you had a great time.
         I don't feel 60 years old but how does 60 feel? Does it feel different than 59 or 48? I guess feeling old creeps up on you and you don't realize your old till one day you wake up and look in the mirror and see some old guy looking back at you. HOLY CRAP, is that me? Damn, I'm old. What happened? Is there a fairy, like the tooth fairy, that comes in the middle of the night and sprinkles magic dust on you and POOF, your old?
        I can't complain, outside of a few, well a lot, of morning afters I've had a good life. Hell I grew up in the 50's and 60's. Rock and Roll and Muscles Cars. A special time in history like no other. Anyways Happy Birthday to me, hope I have many more. I'm retiring this year and want to get all I can out of the state pension fund.
      Thanks to all my friends who came to my party Saturday. It's nice to know I had so many great friends. I hope I get to come to your 60th party.    

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