Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Brrrr, it's cold

        Well old man winter has arrived. How does it go? It's so cold it could freeze the balls of a brass monkey. It's so cold I saw a chicken with a capon. It's so cold I saw a snow man with his hands in his pockets. No matter how you put it it's frikin cold, but you'd think we'd be used to it by now. I mean every year you know we get the deep freeze from January to the middle of February. The good thing is it's too cold to snow.
       Why is it that every year people start in October trying to figure out what kind of winter we're going to have. Yea, I think we're going to have a real cold winter, there a lot of acorns, Yea, my Grand mother used to say, if you have a dry summer you're going to have a wet winter, the polar bear at Roger William's park has an extra heavy coat this year, it's going to be cold this winter. Everyone has their own way of telling what kind of winter it will be but when it come down to it even the weather man can't tell till it comes.
      When I was a kid, many years ago, we loved the cold weather because that meant the ponds would freeze over and we could play hockey or just skate around. The kids today don't know what they're missing. There was something about getting dressed in long underwear, pants, sweat shirt, heavy coat, hat, mittens, scarf. two pairs of socks, boots and hiking a mile to Slater Park with your skates and hockey stick on your shoulder stopping at your friends houses along the way. Hey Mrs Smith, can Joey go skating? This usually took a while because he had to get dressed in long under wear and all the rest, then it was off to Dave's house. Finally we'd get to the park and sit down at the edge of the pond and put on our skates, which wasn't easy with all those clothes on but it was worth all the trouble. Gliding across the ice, opps, look out for the crack, damn stick. hey look out, I can't stop. Yea, it was great. When it started getting dark it was time to go home so you sit at the edge of the pond to get the skates off, this was harder than putting them on because now they were covered with ice and your fingers were wet and cold, then for the march home , dropping off Dave, Joey and who ever else we picked up along the way. See ya tomorrow Joey. Can't wait to get home cause Mom would meet you at the door to help you  get out of those wet clothes and she usually had some nice hot chocolate waiting. That might have been the best part. 

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