Thursday, January 25, 2007

To stay or not to stay, that is the question.

          It's going to be a long two years, the president hope fulls have already declared.    
                                 LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!
         The topic of choice of course is the war. Isn't it amazing, all these supporters of the war, who all voted to give him the power to go to war are now against it. Now that it's political correct.Some calling for troop withdrawal, some supporting the presidents troop build up by 20,000 troops. So what do we do? Lets look at what going on. First thing we need to know, who's behind the violence and who's supporting them. We hear the term civil war meaning Iraqi against Iraqi, but in this case it's one faction of Moslem's against another. Now who is supplying them and who will benefit if we leave. The answer to both questions is the same, Iran. Some thing else we need to know, who's supporting Iran? China and Russia, both of whom would love to see us fail.Don't forget we helped Afghanistan fight the Russians, which war a devastating loss for the Russians so they'd love to see us lose in Iraq.
       Where am I now, lets see, our Representatives are split over pulling out and staying in Iraq. Moslem's fighting Moslem's in Iraq being supplied and trained by Iran, who would benefit if we pull out and Russia and China supplying Iran, both of whom would love to see us lose in Iraq. They say the cold war is over but is it, but that another story.
        So, what are we to do? To stay or not to stay, that is the question. Can we win? Only if we can keep Iran's hands out of it but are we willing to confront Iran? Do we want to win that bad? I don't think so. that would mean risking war with Iran which would make Iraq look like Disney World. It seem like heads I win tales you loose for Iran. 
        So, do we leave or stay? We have to leave, no doubt about it but we have to give George's plan a chance so he can say we tried but they just couldn't get it together. The next question is how long will it be before we have to confront Iran, it's inevitable 

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