Friday, December 01, 2006

What happened to Christmas?

       What happened to Christmas? What happened to the time when children would hang their stockings by the fire place and be happy to find a little toy, a piece of fruit or maybe a new pair of mittens on Christmas morning. Families gathered to share the spirit of the day with a meal of dishes brought by family and friends, like Aunt Martha's famous Apple Pie. Where have those day gone?
       Maybe things started to change with the introduction of credit, buy on time. People could go to department stores and buy nicer gifts and pay for it a little at a time. Instead of mittens or small toys, Mom and Dad could give a bicycle. Not that it made the kids any happier but they learned to expect more.
        Today, with the introduction of credit cards, the spirit of Christmas is gone. The Sky's the limit. Big expensive gifts are expected and we'll be paying for years. The big thing this year is a $600 video game system. People wait for days to be first in line to get one because you know how upset the kids will be if it's not under the tree Christmas morning. God forbid they would have to wait a couple of weeks cause you know in January they'll be giving the damn things away.
        You know, it's not just kids you have to buy for. Now we have to buy gifts for all the people we see maybe twice a year because they may decide to show up and what if they do and have a gift for you, probably something some one gave them that they'll never use so they give it to you and how would it look if you don't have something for them?
        Yea, Christmas is the time for giving but how much is too much? Should we expect our friends and relatives to go in debt,spend money they don't have just to give us a present to show that they love us? Why do our kids need these big ticket items like video game systems that cost $600? Maybe a hug and the words I love you is what the everyone really needs,OK, maybe a small gift would nice.

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