Monday, November 20, 2006

On the news.

      On the news tonight was two interesting issues, First the call to bring back the draft. This I agree with 100% although it probably never happen. Why do we need the draft?  The draft involves everyone in the decision on weather to go to war or not. Do you think we'd be in this mess if there was a draft when our illustrious president ask for the power to take us to war? Not likely, and what would have happened when the people found out we went to war on bad information? We'd probably have a new president today. There's other reasons too, like our military being too small and it relies on hi tech too much and the fact that some of our volunteers have done 2 or 3 tours in a combat, even if our military don't consider it a combat zone so they can use females in combat situations.
      The other issue was Iran calling on Iraq and Syria to talk about the situation in Iraq. Iran could solve the problem in no time. All they have to do is stop supplying weapons and training to the insurgents who are killing our people and the Iraqi civilians, 90% of the violence would stop immediately.Besides if they solve the problem they'll make the United States look like crap and they'll come out smelling like a rose.

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