Thursday, October 26, 2006

In the news, Brrr !!

      In the news, the administration at Rhode Island College announced a test program today sponsored Woman's and Infants hospital. The program is to test the theory that cold showers can be used as a form of birth control.
     A spokesperson for Woman's and Infants hospital stated that starting Monday, October 30th, Rhode Island College will have only cold water in the showers of half their dormitories .Brrrr !!. The test will last one semester followed by a nine month study to determine the number of pregnancies that occur compared to the dormitories with hot water in their showers. The results of the study will be announced this time next year. If sucessful, hot water could become a thing of the past in showers on college campuses across the country..
    In other news, the president signed a bill authorizing a fence to be built along our southern boarder. It's not clear weather it's to keep out illegal aliens or to keep texans from crossing the board to get cheep tequila   

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