Thursday, October 05, 2006


     You had to know this was coming. I mean a Republican Representative from Florida, That's Jeb country isn't it, sending suggestive E mails to young boys. Come on, who could resist. Not me. I know, but it would be so easy to bust on these righteous holier than thou politicians. Imagine to my surprise to find out that they can have alcoholics and perverts amongst them just like us little people.
     In the news, in Washington our Congress has taken a long deserved break from the war on terror to play their favorite political game of congress know as Who Knew What and When. This game is usually played close to the November election. First, a deep dark secret is leaked about one of the congressmen Rep. Foley was chosen this year for his stupidity, writing E mails to young boy and thinking they wouldn't go public with them, The person who put the leaker up to the dirty dead must be kept secret, this is very important. Next, the dirty deed is leaked to the media, known as the sh## stirrers,  goes into a frenzy like sharks on a dead whale. Now comes the fun, the other party, the Democrats in this case start pointing fingers and accuse the other party, the republicans, of a cover up. The Republicans immediately deny any knowledge of the deep dark secret and have their spokesperson, House Speaker Hastert, promise an investigation. The media, who play a big role in this game, now reports that Hastert was told about the E mails two years ago and did nothing and now the Democrats say he should step down from his prestigious position, of course he immediately refuses.As if this isn't fun enough, Congressional aides resign, and the president condemn the deep dark secret. and here is the best part of all we get to see it all unfold on every TV channel at 12pm, 6pm and 11pm every day till the November election, ah, something to look forward to. I'm not to sure how the scoring is done but right now I think the Democrats are winning.   

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