Monday, October 02, 2006

Looking back.

      Well it's Sunday morning, Oct 1st 2006, The weekends almost over, Damn where does the time go. I wonder if there's a bank some where that time is deposited in and when it's your time to go you can relive all the good times you had during your life, of course if you go the other way you can go Thu eternity reliving the bad times. You know that would make a good movie.
      There's a lot of good times I'd like to relive, family vacations, high school, most of my time in the navy, what I can remember of it, My marriage and kids, All in all I can say there not too much I wouldn't want to relive, of coarse there was that one National Guard summer camp at Fort Devens. I guess I've been pretty lucky so far. I survived Vietnam and By Pass surgery and a few hang overs in Subic Bay in the Philippines, that I thought were going to kill me but here I am. w Who'd of believed I'd live this long. Not me.You know when your in you twenties you think forty is old but when your in thirties,forty don't seem that old after all . Age is all in you head. I think the same way now as I did when I was young, all though some of the music and the way kids dress today drives me crazy some times. Maybe that's a sign of old age. I'm sure my father and mother thought the same way while I was in my teens.
      Maybe someday one of my kids will be sitting at a computer writing the same thing because some day they'll be in my shoes. Like the old saying says, What goes around comes around. Someday their kids music and the way they dress will drive them crazy and I hope they be able to say, you know there's not too much of my life that I wouldn't want to relive.You know, I've been pretty lucky so far.

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