Saturday, October 21, 2006

Decisions, Decisions.

      Here it is Saturday morning, What to do? Should I hook up the gas stove that's been sitting out in my drive way for a month or replace the starter on my car that been out there for 2 weeks? Of coarse I could all ways go out and rake the leaves covering my lawn. What to do? What to do? So much to do, so little time. Maybe I should make a list but where's my pencil, then there's that paper problem. Maybe I'll just flip a coin but that means I gota get up and go in the other room to get a coin.
      Ok, lets take first things first, I'll gota get up and go in the other room to get dressed then I'll get a coin and flip to see what gets done. Should I flip the stove against the starter and the winner goes against the leaves or the leaves against the starter and the winner goes against the stove. Decisions, Decisions. Lets go get dressed that would be a good start.
      Oh no, here comes my wife, Yes dear, I'm going to hook up the stove. See, that was easy. Decision made. No list no flipping. I like it when a plan comes together.. 

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