Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cold turkey.

     Here it is 6:30pm, I've been home three and a half hours and not one phone call, not one political add on TV, no ads for question 1 for the casino, I can't take it. How can they do that too us? For months and months they bombard us with advertisements, phone call , election day comes and then nothing. they expect us to go cold turkey.
    Now all we get is experts(so called) telling us what happened and why. On top of that Rumsfeld resigns and we have to hear the experts talk about that for the next month. Give me a good old mud slinging, name calling character assassinating, political ad any day.
    Oh great, they are extending the NBC nightly news so they can tell me the same thing they've been saying all day again. Analyze this, where's that damn cartoon network? What a country, only about 35% of elligable voters took time to vote so I guess they have to tell the other 65% what happened, like they really care. They were probably watching the cartoon network while the rest of us were voting.
     How do our kids watch this stuff? Where's Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, the Road Runner? What's with all this violence? Let try another channel, here's a good one, Fosters Home of Imaginary Friends. You gota be kidding me. How do parents let their kids watch this stuff. I guess it's better than politics. I think I'll go do something constructive like cleaning the green stuff out of the refrigerator. NA, some of that green stuff is just getting good.

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