Thursday, November 23, 2006

My annual trip to the Christmas Tree Shop

      Well last night I did it, I went to the place husbands have dreaded for years. They spend many sleepless nights trru out the year in anticipation of the annual trip to the Christmas Tree Shop. This is a place filled with stuff that is of no interest at all to men so we are doomed to wander aimlessly for hours while our wives roam the isles looking for bargains, those special gifts for the people we only see once a year, who show up at Christmas with a gift you'll never use that they probably bought at the Christmas Tree Shop. 
      This year I set down one rule, leave the check book at home. This way we can still keep our house, for a while anyways. So off we went, my wife and her friend Carol, her daughter and yours truly. The first thing you have to prepare yourself for is the heavy smell of potpourri which hits you as soon as you enter the store. Why anyone would want their house to smell like that is beyond me. I guess if your husband has a case of the elephant farts it would come in handy.Anyway the next thing you run into is Christmas decorations, all kinds of stuff all made in China. This is where I usually start to wander. I head for the toys, there has to be something there to keep me amused for a while. It don't take much. After playing with anything that makes a noise, reading the childrens books, you'd be suprised at what you can learn, I decide to see what my wife is up to, besides I was getting some strange looks 
       Finding your wife in a store is harder than it sounds. I think it's a game they play, you can go up and down every isle in the store and not find her and then you turn around and POOF, there she is. If your lucky she's ready to go. Now where's Carol? Oh, she's waiting for a bench. A bench? I'll see if Ican find her, wait here. After 20 minutes, no Carol. Ok, you get in line to pay I'll check the car and low and behold there's Carol sitting on a bench by the door. Hey Joann, here they are. Oh you said you'd be waiting on the bench. I thought you said you were waiting for a bench. .
      Well what's important is I survived another annual trip to the Christmas Tree Shop, it wasn't so bad. I got to play with some cool stuff and my wife, Corol and her daughter had fun and with no chech book I get to keep my house. It could be a Merry Christmas after all. 

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