Monday, December 25, 2006

Next stop New Years.

       Well Christmas is just about over, all the presents have been opened and the Christmas dinner has become left overs. By now the kids have found out that the toys they just had to have are really boring and not fun at all, nothing like the commercials on TV.   Radio stations have begun putting the Christmas the music away for another year because god forbid they should play Christmas music in March or June, it could cause a shopping frenzy and mess things up for the whole year. Once in march of 1963 a radio station in Iowa accidentally play Jingle Bells and the General Store was swamped with requests for Fruit Cakes.
      By now Santa is just about over the sugar high he got from all the coco and cookies left for him by all the little kiddies thinking he will leave more present if the bribe him, they would probably do better if the left him a shot and a beer. I know dad would like it more.
      Anyway next stop New Years, actually New Years Eve because New Years Day is spent by many sleeping off New Years Eve. Then of coarse are the good old New Years Resolutions, no more beer, I'm going on a diet to loose 20 pounds, no more swearing God damn it. Why not make some that are I'm cutting back to 2 six packs a week, I'm going on a diet and if I loose weight, good for me. Forget the swearing thing, it's not going to happen but try to cut out the big ones like the F word, the S word, the Q word, I don't know that one either. I just thought I'd throw it in  to get your mind off food and beer.
      I guess I'll end here and check the frig to see if there is a  cold damn beer and a piece of lasagna. Hey I got about a week before I make any resolution, I might as well enjoy it.

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