Tuesday, January 09, 2007

In the news

      In the news, Remember to get the Salsa and chips, maybe some pop corn and a six pack for tomorrow night big event, the president's big announcement. It could be the biggest thing since he gave his MISSION ACCOMPLISHED speech.Don't miss it.Senator Kennedy was overheard saying, You gota hand it to him, he must have big brass one to come out and reveal that he wants to send 20,000 more troops after the beating he took in the November election.Maybe this is his way out. He will be able to say we tried when we pull out and things turn to crap over there.
    In other new, After years of study and discussions at a cost of $100,000,000 the Institute of Human Sexuality Announced that former president Bill Clinton was mistaken when he stated, I did not have sex with that women.   

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