Sunday, April 08, 2007


        Today is Easter Sunday, Oh yea, when my kids were small I would hide candy around our living room and the kids would wake up and go searching, I had some good hiding places, behind a book on the shelf, between the cushions on the couch. Some of my places were so good even I couldn't find them but they would usually turn up around August. Hey dad look what I found a peanut butter egg.
       After all the candy was found, well most of it, it was off to J&D's restaurant for breakfast and a visit to the Easter Bunny. As they got older a picture with the Bunny took some doing but bribery usually worked, then it was off to Nana's house for the family egg hunt where we'd join  brother and his family and all the kids would hunt for candy that my mother would hide in her yard. One year an animal found it before the kids did and opened the plastic eggs and took the candy.
       Some how the holidays have change, people are more worried about what to call holiday icon's, Santa Claus and The Easter Bunny than the idea behind the holiday  Our public school can't even put up decorations because it might offend some student who doesn't believe in Christmas and Easter. Even Halloween is off limits but what are these holidays all about? Today they are not so much about religion but more about families coming together to enjoy family traditions. Isn't that is what we need in our country today? In this time of high technology with video games,computers and both parents working we need holidays like Christmas and Easter to bring families together.Christmas or holiday season, Easter Bunny or Peter Rabbit who cares, it's the thought behind the holiday that counts after all.  Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny says, HAPPY EASTER!!!!!    

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