Friday, April 06, 2007

Hold on my fellow state workers.

        Hold on my fellow state workers, the state legislature and the governor are about to attack. It seems our we are over paid and our benefits are too good and we're putting the state into debt. I just heard on the news the average state worker cost $90,000. I don't know what state they were talking about because the state workers I know don't make half of that even if you throw in the benefits. You know what that means, there's a lot more highly paid workers than there are people like us on the bottom.
      The governor has a good idea, privatize the dietary and house keeping at Zamborano and the Veterans Home. Good idea but instead of picking on the lower paid employees why not eliminate some administrators, one highly paid administrator equals two lower paid workers and you still have workers to do the real work. Does anyone remember what happened when the school lunch program was privatized, it cost twice as much.
     Lets look at the real problem. Last election the voters approved almost two hundred million dollars in bond issues and it's not just this last election it in almost every election. Some one should tell these voters that bonds have to be paid for, with interest, even bonds with federal matching funds believe it or not and we all know who pays for them, don't we? Even us state workers pay for them, we do pay taxes you know. 
     If the state is in that much trouble why not just raise taxes and let everyone share the burden after all it's everyone problem, we all voted for the people in our legislature who pushed thru all these programs that put us in this situation.

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