Friday, April 20, 2007

Tough week to find something funny.

          Well I'm sitting here wondering what to write about and my mind is blank. Yea, I know, what else is new but after a week of news on the senseless killings, in Virginia and Iraq it's hard to find something funny to write about. I guess the funniest thing was the hearing with our illustrious Attorney General. I got to admit it, he fits right in with the Bush gang. During the hearing he said I don't recall 47 time and of course if you don't recall you can't testify about it and you can tell he's a  lawyer cause he can talk about something and when he's done you know less about the subject than when he started, kind of like me and my wife watching the TV when I got the remote. She told me one night, congratulations, you just watched TV for 2 hours and didn't see anything, kind of like listening to Alberto. 
          Lets see, like I said this was a tough week, how about commercials about toilet paper, or should I say bathroom tissue? What's wrong with the word toilet? We all use them and why do they perforate the paper every 4 inches? Who the hell is going to use one square? In the Army they show you how to use one square, it has something to do with tearing a hole in the middle of the square and sticking your finger thru the hole and using you finger to wipe your butt and wiping your finger with the paper  but I never tried it so I don't know how it works, by the way, the little piece you tore out of the middle, that's to clean under your finger nail. That's bad, I better end here before I get in trouble. I feel much better now that I found something to laugh about.

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