Sunday, May 13, 2007


        Well it's that time again for my annual Happy Mothers Day to all special people in my life over the past year, like the oil companies who are makng so much money I can't aford to drive to work and of course the same lady.  doing 90 mph while passing me on the right with a cell phone in her ear, checking her makeup with 3 kids in the back seat.
       How about the super market people who have the nerve to charge $12 a pound for a piece of steak, talk about the golden cow.
      To the guy in the grosery store who squeezes all the fruit and decides not to buy any thing but bruises all the fruit.He's allso the same guy who get in the express line with a cart load of crap because he don't want to wait in the other line.
      To the guy who sits in back of you at the movie theartre and kick the back of your seat. Don't you just want to slap him?
      How about the guy who walks his dog down to your house so his dog can crap on your grass and not his.I think he needs to have that old holloween prank pulled on him, save his dogs poop in a bag, put it on his door step and light it up, ring his door bell and watch him stomp on it to put it out. YEA!!1 GOT YA!
      Finially to our beloved president, George Bush, for reason too numerous to list, lets just say for being the jerk he really is.
                                                    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

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