Saturday, June 02, 2007

In the news.

        In the news, The makers of miracle grow are coming out with a new product, Rocketts, that's right, this products makes creating a rock garden easy. According to a spokesperson from Miracle Grow, Rocketts ts comes in a kit which contains a packet of rock seeds and special all you have to do is plant the seeds in any design you want and spread the secret fertilizer and water, within a week you will see the beginnings of you beautiful rock garden.After that just fertilize every week and water till you rocks are the size you want for you garden.Imagine no more back pain from lugging those heavy rock around. Now anyone can have a beautiful rock garden.
       If a rock garden is not what you looking for simply purchase our mountain kit which comes with a bucket of seeds, simply follow the instructions and you can turn your city corner lot into the vacation mountain home of your dreams. 
       According to the spokesperson the product should be on store shelves by July. 

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