Friday, June 22, 2007

The four hour, one hour job.

        Well today I was working on my wife's car, changing the oil and spark plugs and as usual things go wrong. The oil change went OK but I should have guessed the the plugs were going to be trouble when I went to the store to get them and the number on the package was AP666, no kidding. 
       Anyways, after taking half the car apart to get at the plugs I get the first two pretty easy, no problem, two out of four ain't bad, right? The third an fourth are down behind the alternator, OK, after some swearing I put together various pieces of my ratchet set and manage to get number three, yea!!! OK lets get number four, where the hell is it? Christ why do they design things like this, damn. Maybe if I use my three eights ratchet if might work better. Hey it fits in there pretty good, must be my lucky day after all. That went well. Now all I have to do is get the new one in and I'm all done, right?
      I put the plug into the socket and go to insert it into the plug hole, yea, right. CLINK, CLANK, the damn thing falls out. God#@%$, Son %$##$, Where the hell did it go? Better get my flashlight. Oh there it is, waaay down there, I mean waaaay down there. CRAP !!.
     Well after trying ever thing, I decide to go back to the store and get another one, right? No, they only come in packs of two. While I'm here maybe I'll just look around for some thing will reach the other plug and try to get it out. Hey this might do it, a magnetic pickup, hell, it only three dollars to retrieve a two dollar plug, it's worth a try.
     OK, lets see if this three dollar pickup works, got shine the light just right, there it is, I see it. Careful, I got it. Easy, easy, yea, I got the plug, better, thank god, he been busting up all day. He does that sometimes, What happens after , THANK YOU GOD, he makes it rain, that's right, not a lot, just a few drops to let me know who boss,
     Now lets get this last plug in and finish up, This time I'll tape the plug to the socket to make sure I don't loose it again, Yea, that's it. Now just put all this stuff back together and I'm done. Not bad, four hours to do a one hour job, Hey I'm a state worker, what did you expect?. .  ..  

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