Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Church of the Heavenly Bodies.

       Would you like to loose those unwanted pounds while working your way to heaven, then the Church of the Heavenly Bodies is for you. Yes, unlike other churches, the church of the Heavenly Bodies does not use prayer as a way to have sins forgiven but believes  physical exercise is the way to the pearly gates.
       The Reverend Harry Back, pastor of the church, states that parishioners are required to walk at least two mile a day and physical exercise is given as a price to be paid to have sins forgiven. For example, a simple sin such as swearing may be forgiven for fifty sit ups but a serious sin like adultery would take one thousand push ups and a twenty mile run. He states that unlike prayer physical exercise leaves an impression and results can be seen in a short period of time letting the sinner know god has accepted the price paid and the sin has been forgiven. 
      If you would like to become a member of the Church of the Heavenly Bodies go to
www. heavenly for more imformation. There is a $200 fee which can be paid by Visa or Master Card. So register to day and get started on road to the promise land while getting physical fit.

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