Tuesday, July 03, 2007

4th of July.

     Well I see Obama has 37 million in campaign contributions and Hilliary has 27 million, maybe the question we should be asking is who are all these generous people that contributed all this cash and why.
     What has happened to the country where anyone can be president? Today it takes money, that's MONEY and lots of it. Think you could be president? What have you got to offer, not to the people of the United States but to the special interest groups like pharmaceutical companies, oil companies and the like, yea, the big guys. These are the guys making decisions on the things that are important to you like health care and gas prices. When our elected officials let pharmaceutical companies write the medicare bill, setting the rule of engagement on drug prices there's big problems with the way our country operates. 
     Who's making money on the war in Iraq? Lets see,we sent our troops to war and nobody realized how poorly equipped they were but like Dick said we go with the military we have. Since then we have provided them with so much equipment that when they put it all on the can hardly walk and the Humvee's, at about $100,000 a piece, that were suppose to protect them from road bombs don't work so now we just put a rush on an order for about 20,000 new and improved models, even though the Democrats want to start pulling our troops out with in a year. Who's making the money, special interest groups. Do you think we're there to spread democracy? Yea, American style.
    So Happy Independence Day America. home of the brave where nothing is free. I have to get to the store now to get my American flag, that was made in China, so I can put it on my car that was made in Japan, before they're all gone. 
    If I sound a little unpatriotic, George Bush made me this way. 

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