Monday, July 23, 2007

Another day in the life of a backyard mechanic.

         The other day I had to put an exhaust pipe on my wife's car and as usual things go wrong right from the start. I went to the parts store and he tells me the damn thing costs $113.00 for a $50 car but I needed the car so I said OK, let have it. The guy goes in the back and comes out with this pipe that's 8 feet long. Yea, what the hell do I do with that? Any way I take the thing home with all the clamps and I get out my ramps and saws all, wrenches, hammer, and the rest of the stuff I'm going to need. I just love crawling under my vehicles in the drive way.
        Getting the old one off went pretty easy cause all I had to do was cut the old pipe off and it came right out. Yea, this ain't too bad, hell I'll be done in half an hour. Right. Not quite. I drag out my brand new 8ft pipe and proceed to get it under the car. Now one end has to go over the rear axle, no problem. I tried every thing. I even jacked the back of the car up to give me more room.No good. After about an hours I decide to cut the pipe in two but now I'll need a piece to put it back together so off I go to the parts store, Yea,got just what you need right here. great,only 6 bucks.OK and home I go.
        When I get home I drag my new pipe out from under the car and cut it in two. Lets try my new 6 dollar piece, God @##$@, it's the wrong size, son of a !@#$. Back to the store I go. This time I do the smart thing and take the pipe with me. The guy was busy so I just look thru the rack myself. After trying about 25 or so I hit the right one, Yea. now we're cooking. Home I go again with hope of finishing soon.
       Home once more I proceed to get my now 4ft pipe under the car try to get it installed only now the pieces welded to the pipe that go into the hangers don't line up. OK drag the pipe out again and get out my persuader, that a piece of inch and a half pipe about 3 feet long that I use to do jobs where nothing else works, and proceed to bend the hanger brackets, a very precision operation. That should do it . Under the car I go again.
      Lets slip it over the end of the catalytic converter, hey that went good now hook up the hangers, great fit good. Things are looking up. Now get the other piece of pipe slip it over the rear axle, that was easy enough. Damn gota bend this bracket too. Drag it back out and with a little adjustment with my handy persuader we're in business. Back under I go. Great, fits right in, hook up the hanger, yea,the end is in sight. Now I can get the pipe in the right position and tighten up the clamps. OK, now all I have to do is to put the muffler on the end. I know that fits cause I tried it on before I started. Yep,  just slip the muffler and bracket on and hook the bracket on, Oh man the hanger is right on top of the muffler, gota get my hand way up there, God d@#$, I think I got it. Yup , it's on, quick tighten the clamp. Yea, all done. No problem, that was easy. Look at all the money I saved. I think Ihave enough left for a six pack. Just another day in the life of a back yard mechanic..     

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