Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is George's therapy finially working?

      I see Mr Bush is showing real progress in his therapy. The other day he used the word VIETNAM, a subject he knows absolutely nothing about,now if he can just use the word MISTAKE to describe the war in Iraq he could be cured by the 2008 election.
    He talked about the millions of people killed after we pulled out but said nothing about the millions killed while the war was going on or the people in Vietnan and our Veterans who are dieing everyday from the effects of Agent Orange..
   Does he really think that if we pull out now or ten years from know the out come Will be different or is he trying to hold on till he leaves office so he can blame the next administration for the disaster that will follow the pull out.
   I don't think there is any way he will pull our troops out but there is something else that disturbs me. Something that hasn't gotten much news coverage, the fact that he is going to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guard an international terrorist organization. They say it's so they can install tougher sanction but what they don't say, it also justifies attacks on terrorist training camps inside Iran. Iran would take that as an act of war and I don't even want to think about that. I hope George isn't that stupid but it some thing to think about.

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