Saturday, September 15, 2007

In the news,

      In the news, the Governor of Rhode Island announced a new plan to cut the budget deficit. His plan is to put a surcharge on all license drivers of one thousand dollars and to remove all state trooper from the high ways. He stated that his plan will help in two ways, first the money collected would go directly into the general treasury and secondly, removing state troopers from the high way would allow him to layoff twenty trooper saving about one million dollars a year. He also stated that an added benefit would be that with no troopers on the high way, drivers will be free to go as fast as they want with out worrying about the trooper parked behind the over pass or in the bushes along the side of the road.
     When asked the Governor stated that he still plans to layoff one thousand state workers calling the no good lazy bastards, adding if he had his way they'd all be gone. 
      In other news, President Bush announce for the first time that bringing the troops home would be the job of the next administration confirming the long term commitment he has given to the Iraqi government. Unfortunately they were on an extended August break because it is still to hot in Bagdad so no one was there to get his message. 

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