Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Simple solution to the war.

       Here's the solution to the war in Iraq. It's very simple. I'm surprised the democrats haven't thought of it by now, not really, but I guess they never do anything the easy way in Washington
       Here's my solution, simply declare VICTORY. Simple as that. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. We achieved our objective, Sadam is gone, they have elected their own government. Now it's up to the Iraqi 's to come together but as far as our troops go, the war is over. This move would end the war powers that has been given to the president.. Now the rules of the game are changed and the powers shift from the president to the Senate who could bring the troops home. 
       See, I told you it was simple. Too simple for a bunches of politicians to think of, after all ninety percent of them are lawyers..

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