Thursday, October 25, 2007

Reply to Important message from Rome.

Dear Pope,
How's everything? How are all the little popes? How's the pope mobile running?
Now about that incident at the cafeteria. Let me explain.I want to thank you for prompt attention to the matter of the "S" word as spoken by myself. I was, as you can imagine under great duress.. that is I didn't see it coming -  the pole...someone must have just put it there. honest. I wasn't there before...Sneaky devils those pole movers. Well any way I do appreciate you close surveillance and will be more watch full of those in ears shot from now on.
But as a matter of clarificaationLets validate the "said source", FYI - this Sister Mary Mary, has been seen in the vicinity of  " Effanns"  of Smithfield. Just so you know.......Since I know people who know people, rumor has it she wasn't preachin' ...if you know what I mean.
Also; Need I remind you that I attended St Xavier's Academy  (High School) and have been married 37 years -to the same man - bless his retired soul!
I brought his five children into this world and now I enjoy our 5 grand children, not to mention my mother .
So I think that place in heaven should be a guarantee, don't you. 
I would like to  negotiate that "penance" and offer to cook supper to night for Bob instead, OK?
Well, you have a hell of a day and stay out of trouble.
Love Joann
P.S. If you could help Bob get that greeters job at WalMart It would keep him out of trouble too!
P.S. 2 About my one and only freind Carol, she's beyond help, but she does try.However....I do believe that she wrote the definition for the "S" word and a whole dictionary of other letters of the alphbet as well. And she knows when and how to use them!!! She could give lessons .Ask that poor soul from ALMACS, he barely got out with his life
Actually, I look forward to spending my eternity with Bob and Carol and all my partners in crime  - I mean freinds and family  Audrey and John,  Linda and Ron Leo and Randi , Marie and Tony
ALl the good old boys and girls from back home
Thanks Again
Keep it real

Robert Davis <> wrote:
          Dear Mrs Davis
                         It has come to my attention that you used the S word in the company of one of my devoted servant, Sister Mary Mary. According to the official report from a witness at the scene, you bumped into a column,in the cafeteria at Fatima Hospital, spilling your husbands coffee just prior to the alleged incident and then later, in an attempt to repent, tried to clean up the mess you created.
          Although I realize that the S word was the result of a slip of the tongue I must advise you that the use of such language in the future could result in condemnation for all eternity.
          Please say two Our Fathers and four Hail Marys as your penance and may God have mercy on your soul.
                                                                                   Thank you,
                                                                                     Pope Benedict
PS. tell your one and only friend Carol we got our eye on her.
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