Saturday, November 17, 2007


       What I'd like to know is where exactly is there. I mean when my kids were small we'd be driving along and they'd ask Daddy are we there yet and I say no, not yet. Finally  we'd get where we were going and I'd OK kids, where here. Some how we'd never get THERE where ever that is.
        THAT, is another thing I don't understand. My wife asks me can you pick that up for me so I go over and pick it up. What the hell happened to THAT? I mean it was THAT when I went over to pick THAT up but when I got there, THAT was IT.In fact I looked all over and all I found was IT.
         The other day my wife told me go over THERE and pick THAT up. Now this really confused me so I said you mean go over HERE and pick IT up. She said NO, go over THERE and pick that up. So I walked over and ask her where am I? She told me, your over THERE. I told her, no, I'm over HERE. She said now bend over and pick That up and I said HERE IT is.
         OH, my head hurts. I'm so confused. I think I got it or that. THAT becomes IT when it over HERE but when  IT is over THERE, IT becomes THAT.
        I give up, time to go, I just don't know if I'm going here or there but one things for sure, no matter where you go HERE you are.

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