Friday, November 16, 2007


       Why does the Governor call his plan to reduce the state work force a lay off when he has no plans to call these workers back. What he is really doing is abolishing state jobs and if he does fill these positions it will be through privatization
       What is council 94 doing to protect the state workers while the Governor continues his plan to privatize the state work force? How can they stand by and watch as their dues paying members are being pushed out and replaced by nonunion private workers Thu what the Governor call a layoff.
        Being a retired state worker, I am totally disgusted by both the Governor and Council 94. Abolishing jobs of workers, some of whom have worked for the state for many years, is unconscionable.
        The governor calls his plan a lay off to get around the union contract but abolishing jobs to privatize the state work force should be against the law and Council 94 should be fighting for their members before it's too late..       

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