Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Simple solution to the war.

       Here's the solution to the war in Iraq. It's very simple. I'm surprised the democrats haven't thought of it by now, not really, but I guess they never do anything the easy way in Washington
       Here's my solution, simply declare VICTORY. Simple as that. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. We achieved our objective, Sadam is gone, they have elected their own government. Now it's up to the Iraqi 's to come together but as far as our troops go, the war is over. This move would end the war powers that has been given to the president.. Now the rules of the game are changed and the powers shift from the president to the Senate who could bring the troops home. 
       See, I told you it was simple. Too simple for a bunches of politicians to think of, after all ninety percent of them are lawyers..

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

In the news,

      In the news, the Governor of Rhode Island announced a new plan to cut the budget deficit. His plan is to put a surcharge on all license drivers of one thousand dollars and to remove all state trooper from the high ways. He stated that his plan will help in two ways, first the money collected would go directly into the general treasury and secondly, removing state troopers from the high way would allow him to layoff twenty trooper saving about one million dollars a year. He also stated that an added benefit would be that with no troopers on the high way, drivers will be free to go as fast as they want with out worrying about the trooper parked behind the over pass or in the bushes along the side of the road.
     When asked the Governor stated that he still plans to layoff one thousand state workers calling the no good lazy bastards, adding if he had his way they'd all be gone. 
      In other news, President Bush announce for the first time that bringing the troops home would be the job of the next administration confirming the long term commitment he has given to the Iraqi government. Unfortunately they were on an extended August break because it is still to hot in Bagdad so no one was there to get his message. 

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007


        OUCH!! It seems I struck a nerve with my letter in August 27th journal. Mr Chase states that the state workers are employed by a company and that the journal is providing a service by focusing on the financial burden the state work force puts on the state but reporting on one side of the story, even though it make good press, is unfair.
       The state is not a company. Its purpose is not to produce a profit. It has one purpose it to serve the citizens of Rhode Island which is what the state workers do and they do it well, beyond what the media would like our citizen to believe. They follow workers around to catch them defrauding the state and put it on the front page or the six o clock news but when was the last time they did a story of state workers doing their job, feeding and cleaning patients that nursing homes won't take for one reason or another.You see beating up state workers makes good press and attracts votes for the politicians who run our government. 
      According to Mr Chase,claiming that most of the states financial problems is caused by uninformed voters is laughable, having a 400 million dollar short fall in our state budget is no laughing matter and approving 200 million dollars in bond issues just added to the problem.
    Maybe Mr Chase should do a little survey and ask people how bonds are paid for. I've actually had people tell me bonds with matching fund doesn't cost the state anything. Running our state and the federal government on borrowed money is disastrous and is destroying our country. The economic strength of our country come from the value of its dollar. Who is going to pay for these huge deficits? The voters and their grand kids and maybe their kids are going to pay. The voters should vote like they are spending their own money because they are. IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, DON'T BUY IT.    

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'll just hold it till I get home.

         What the hell is going on in our country today, or should I say public rest rooms? Is nothing sacred? There is something seriously wrong in our country when our airports have to station undercover security guards in public rest rooms to capture foot bumpers and people who can't resist the urge to reach under the partitions.
        I wonder what qualifications you need to get on the elite restroom swat team? What kind of training do they go thru?Do the go thru any phycological testing? I mean guy who wants to sit on a toilet in a airport men's room all day hoping to catch someone bumping his foot or reaching under the partition must have some problems. I wonder what they do while sitting on the toilet waiting for the bump. Imagine the anticipation and the frustration when the foot gets that close to a bump only to be pulled away,like the big one that got away, no pun intended. Damn it was that close.  Is that a finger I see under the partition? God I hope that's a finger.
       I don't know about other guys but I'm kind of afraid to go in a public rest room now, not only do I have to worry about the sounds and smells that might come from me, now I have to watch my hands and feet. It's a good thing I don't have to chew gum at the same time,nothing would get done.Add to that the fact I could be arrested for a accidental bump of the foot, forget it. there's just too much stress. I'll wait till I get home. I bet there's a lot more trees getting wet along the road side now but be careful, The rest room swat team may pop out from behind the tree in a camouflage suit and grab you. I mean arrest you, they would never grab you or would they? 
      Seriously, Senator Craig life was destroyed  by some security guard, who says the senator did those things. I haven't heard of any witnesses or evidence to confirm the security guards word and he would never make it up especially when he found out it was a US senator in the next stall. Makes you kind of wonder what he was doing there in the first place. There's probably thousands of guys using that rest room everyday and he just happens to end up next to a US senator.Then again maybe the good senator just couldn't resist the urge to get touchy feely with the guy in the next stall. Maybe it was a six martini flight.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

In the news, Senator Craig pleads not guilty.

      In the news, The restroom police will be inspecting restroom stall for the correct signage at our nations airports. The problem surfaced this week when Senator Craig was arrested for bumping feet with an undercover bathroom patrolman at the Minneapolis airport. According to Senator Craig he did nothing wrong because federal guide line were not followed by the airport in constructing the bathroom stalls. There was no sign stating bumping feet with the person in the next stall was against the law, if he had known he would have been more careful with his foot placement.
      The spokesperson for the bathroom police, who are responsible for signage and inspection of toilet stalls and to insure they pass federal guide line, stated that the stalls at Minneapolis were constructed before the federal guide line were in place. He stated that federal guide lines require stall partitions to be no more that one foot from the floor, to prevent hands from patrons from reaching under, a move the bathroom police like to call a Treasure Hunt. also self sticking non skid foot print should be place in front of each toilet so patron will have no excuse for foot bumping.Also signs are required on the inside of stall door stating PLACING HAND AND FEET OUTSIDE OF STALL PUNISHABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.STRICTLY ENFORCED.The spokesperson stated that inspection should be completed before Christmas, the busiest travel season of the year.He also stated that patron should resist those sexual urges that flying hours on a plane with three hundred total strangers can arouse.If that's not possible, keep you hand and feet to your self.     

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