Thursday, May 31, 2007

What it like?

        Ever wonder what it must be like going on patrol in a Bagdad neighborhood? I can only imagine but try this. Go to New York, Washington, D.C. or any big city. Now go into the nastiest most dangerous neighborhood at 2am and fill your pockets with 20 dollar bills, be sure to leave some sticking out of the tops of your pockets. OK, lets go for a walk.Now lets do this every night for a year. Sound stressful? Oh I forgot, lets add the fact that the vehicle your driving to this neighborhood could be blown up at any time on the way to your drop off point.
        This is what we are putting our troops thru,some are on their 3rd or 4th tours. One of our soldiers was killed not long ago who was on his 5th tour. Is this cruel and inhumane treatment of a person who has volunteered to serve his or her country? You tell me.
         Believe it or not I've heard some of our politicians say, Well, they volunteered, They knew what they were getting into. How can any one, who has never been in combat, expect what is happening to our troops, especially a young person who has probably just graduated high school and sees war as a macho adventure, who's idea of combat comes from the video game he's played every night for the last 10 years.
         Imagine the toll this cruel treatment is taking on our people, not just physically but mentally which may show up years from now. I hope that we've learn from Viet Nam with it's effects from Agent Orange and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and we give our troops the help they need when they have problems years from now.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tukus Maximous sighting

        Well today, while I was taking my walk, I couldn't believe my eyes. Right there in the front yard of a house was a Tukus Maximous, that's right. I couldn't miss it. It was on the front lawn attached to a woman who was bent over pulling weeds out of her lawn. I don't know if she knew it was there cause she was bending over and didn't seem bothered by it.I tried not to look but I couldn't help but notice, after all I had to walk right by her.
     I was going to ask her if she realized that as she bent over everyone driving by could she her Tukus Maximous and a lot more than I wanted to see but I decided against it, some thing are just better left alone so I just said good morning as I passed by.
    In all my years of running and walking this was the first real Tukus Maximous I've seen, I mean up close. Yea, I've seen lots Tukus, they come in all sizes and shapes and are pleasant to look at but I've never seen a real Maximus, I guess this was my lucky day. I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.. .. .

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

        Well, I think I've got this guest worker thing figured out. I didn't hit me till I was in North Carolina, visiting family, and we decided to take the grand kids to pick strawberries. That's when it hit me, all we have to do is make Americans pay to do jobs that illegal aliens are doing because American won't do it. I mean I paid 9 dollars for a bucket of berries and we had to pick them, yea, they were delicious and the kids had fun but I paid for the privilege of picking these berries so all they have to do is convince the American people that it's great fun to go out in the fields to pick produce and the American people will flock to the farms to pick lettuce at 6 bucks a head. Only in America.
        I hear from our Representatives in Washington that aliens do the jobs that the American people won't do, WELL EXCUSE MEEE!!!!. The American people won't do it because they don't have to. We pay people to stay home while alleins are out doing job the jobs that we pay American not to do
       It used to be, years ago, that to get an unemployment check you had to go down to the unemployment office to apply and to get a check you had show that you applied at at at east 3 places of employment. Today the mail the check right to your house so all you have to do is wait for your benefits to run out. I better end here before I get in real trouble but it really gets me when I hear , they do jobs that the American people won't do.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007


        Well it's that time again for my annual Happy Mothers Day to all special people in my life over the past year, like the oil companies who are makng so much money I can't aford to drive to work and of course the same lady.  doing 90 mph while passing me on the right with a cell phone in her ear, checking her makeup with 3 kids in the back seat.
       How about the super market people who have the nerve to charge $12 a pound for a piece of steak, talk about the golden cow.
      To the guy in the grosery store who squeezes all the fruit and decides not to buy any thing but bruises all the fruit.He's allso the same guy who get in the express line with a cart load of crap because he don't want to wait in the other line.
      To the guy who sits in back of you at the movie theartre and kick the back of your seat. Don't you just want to slap him?
      How about the guy who walks his dog down to your house so his dog can crap on your grass and not his.I think he needs to have that old holloween prank pulled on him, save his dogs poop in a bag, put it on his door step and light it up, ring his door bell and watch him stomp on it to put it out. YEA!!1 GOT YA!
      Finially to our beloved president, George Bush, for reason too numerous to list, lets just say for being the jerk he really is.
                                                    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cutting the grass

          Today my wife and I went to Home Depot to get a plant for my mother in law for mothers day. I couldn't believe the people there buy fertilizer, grass seed, all kinds of lawn products. What the hell the matter with these people? Don't they know that if you feed and seed the next step is cutting, usually on a weekend, you know Saturday after spending all day at the ball field with the kids or Sunday while the Red Sox and Yankees are playing.
          Did you ever see the stuff they sell, you have to be a damn chemist to figure out what to use. They have weed and feed, weed and feed with insect control, hell if it kills my weeds I'll have about two blade of grass left over in the back corner where nobody can see them.
         Cutting the grass would be easy you know, I could take a pair of shears, a ruler and a lawn chair and don't forget the six pack and go out and make a day of it.First of all I'd have to set up the chair in just the right spot to get the correct view of my of my two blades, getting the chair is a important part cause I wouldn't want the sun in my eyes Now I have to take a seat and pop a top and study the angles to decide the proper plan of attack. This could take a while, I don't want to just rush in to this. After all these are the last two blade I have left. Maybe I better pop an other top and think about this delicate operation for awhile.
       OK, I think I'm ready. Lets get the ruler out and make a decision on the correct high, I don't want to leave them too long but if I make them too short I may injure them so lets see, hum, Inch and a half, no, inch an seven eights, no, inch an three sixteens, that it!
      OK, here I go. I have to hurry the sun is coming around  making it's difficult to see the ruler and the ground is hard and hurting my knee. OK here I go, Oh no, my hand is shaking. Here goes, Damn, OK Dear I'm coming. Supper Time. Oh well tomorrows another day. Gotta take a leak anyways.

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