Saturday, October 29, 2005


2,000 dead but who's counting? Actually there is probably 2,010 by now but it's just a number, the cost of war. If you figure each soldier is insured for probably $100,000 thats $201,000 Now add in the cost of training, clothing, add maybe another 100,000 thats high but who's counting, we're up to $301,000 now. Still a bargain if you figure a fighter jet cost millions of dollars, even a tank cost a few million.
The real cost is not in dollars but in tears and pain of the love ones left behind.Kids that have to grow up with out their fathers, parents that have lost their child, maybe their only child, wives who lost husband. The rest of the country may not even know who they were but their famillies will never forget. Does anyone know the name of the medal of honor winner whos son accepted it for him last April, I didn't think so, but I bet his familly remembers.
The people who keep count are the famillies of the soldiers serving in Iraq. They keep count and pray that their son or daughter don't become a number. They fear every time there's a knock on the door that a servicemen will be standing there with the news nobody wants to hear.
Fighter jets, tanks, and other wepons can be replaced but the only thing that can replace a soldier killed in action is another soldier with a familly ond loved ones at home who are afraid to answer the knock at the door.

Friday, October 28, 2005


In the news, after fertilizing the grass in central park, the pooses were off, believed headed for Washington,D.C. Flying over the statue of liberty they tipped their wings and headed south.
When news of their departure was received at the White House, President Bush packed up and headed for Camp David for the weekend.
A spokesperson for the president stated, we're not sure what they're up to but we're not taking any chances.If pessary we'll call out the National Guard and we have raised the terror alert to red in the D.C. area. The sanding truck are loaded and ready to go and the enviormental people are prepared for any emergency. For now all we can do is wait.
A spokesperson for the FAA stated that we have them on radar and at this time they are flying over New Jersey and should be in D.C. on Monday night, just in time for Halloween. The question is will the give a trick or a treat to D.C.
In other news, the oil companies are voluntarily lowering their prices to avoid and investigation called for be Senator Ted Kennedy.
The oil companies spokesperson stated that the reduction in prices has nothing to do with the investigation, they figured that they give backa little to the consumers after all they've been thru with hurricanes and flooding, they deserve a break.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


In the news, there was a strange sight this morning at sun raise on route 295. As Mr. U.P. Yours, the animal control officer, predicted over 100 Pooses took off heading south.He stated that as the sun rose the Pooses lined up an took off in a perfect formation, circled the overpass twice and dumped their load on the spectators who had gathered to watch their departure.
State police spokesperson, it was awful. People were standing there, looking up as the Poose made their finial passover and then Poose poo came raining down.People were seen gaging as they ran for cover. Route 44 had to be closed till sand truck arrived to treat the road.
The Pooses were believed to be heading toward Washington, D.C. They were last seen landing in Central Park in New York City where they were eating grass resting up for their final leg of their journey. Police were called to control the spectators who came to see the unusual creatures.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


In the news, Senator Ted Kennedy has ask for an investigation of the oil companies profiteering conspiracy. He stated that the oil companies purposely raised gas prices to an all time high so that it would make it virtually impossible for the consumer to stop the pump on the exact amount they intended to pay.
Senator Kennedy stated, many people go to get gas and figure, I'll only put in $10.00 but stop the pump at $9.99, then try to bump the pump that last penny and end up at $10.03. What do they do? They say, OK I'll stop at $10.05, now they end up at $10.08 so they say I'll go to $10.25 and a half hour later they finally get lucky and stop at $12.50. This is a profit of $2.50 that the consumer never intended to pay but the oil company knew they could never stop the pump on the exact amount. That amount should be refunded to the consumers in the form of lower gas prices.
In other news, a flock of Pooses got caught in the storm tonight and landed on route 295 near the Greenville exit causing a massive traffic jam.State police stated that about 100 winged pigs congregated under the route 44 overpass and blocked traffic. Animal control officers were called to move the creatures. Mr. U.P. Yours, the animal control officer stated he has never had to deal with this kind of problem but says he plans to put up a coral on the grass medium and herd the poose into it. He stated that the Poose should leave on their own when the sun comes up.State police will reroute traffic around the over pas till all the Poose have been coralled.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

In the News

In the news, Wilma is on a rampage heading for Florida after learning that Fred was having an affair with Barney Rubble. Wilma was heard stating I can't belive it. I could understand if he was fooling around with Betty but Barney, no way. He's not even cute All those years he told me he was going bowling, he was bowling alright. I'm out of here. I'm going to Disney World.
A spokesperson for Governor Bush stated that the governor has been in contact with Wilma asking her to calm down and he can understand he being upset. He was really upset when his father nick named him Jeb. Thats when he left Texas for Florida, and he focused his anger and became governor.
The waether Bureau stated that Jeb's counciling seems to be working, she has gone from a catagory 5 to a 4 overnight and they urge Jeb to keep up the good work.
In other news, scientist announced to day that they have succesfully bred a pig and a goose together to come up with a flying pig called a Poose, so they next time you hear some one say, YEA, WHEN PIGS FLY, watch out and make sure your windshield washer fluid container is full.You might just need it.

This is Brad

I'm so excited to set up this web site for Pa Davis's emails. I have been receiving them for almost a year and I have always found them insightful and hysterical. And usually in the same sentence. I hope everyone else finds them as amusing and interesting as I do!