Monday, August 18, 2008

Put it down.

      The other day I was emptying out my closet containing all my running stuff from years ago, sure brought back a lot of memories. Good ones when I was running good and some not so good when it was a struggle just to finish but you know I was making memories that I would look back on 10 years later and maybe some day, many years from now, after I'm gone my great grand kids will be looking through some boxes in the attic and they'll come across my stuff and ask who did this stuff belong to? Maybe it'll inspire them to take up running, who knows,  but the thing that's important is that it's a part of my life that will last after I'm gone which is important to me.
      How many people pass on and their history goes with them. What a waste. A person could live 90 years and not leave any history behind. Sure, there will be some one in his familly who will go around asking questions about the familly tree but the real history about who he was, experiences he had or some of his memories have been lost forever.
      You know I think everyone should take time to put down their history, some of their thoughts and experiences, maybe leave some words of advice for the next generation. Who knows some day a hundred years from now your great great great grand kid may find it and make a movie and you could become famous over night.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A whizzing experience.

        Me and the wife were driving home from North Carolina and decided to pull into one of those service areas. Anyways we go in and look around for the rest rooms, here they are mens and women's room. What the heck is that, Unisex room? What the heck do you do in there? Could be fun. OH well better go do what I came here for. Lets see mens room to the right, OH good its not too crowded, I'll go right here. Yea, I needed that. Why this guy gotta pick this one right next to me?  He's there a few seconds and then he says HELLO, WHAT'S UP? Hum, I says to myself, this is a very friendly place. That must be what that unisex room is for.
         Anyways this guy keeps talking and making no sense so I kinda try to ignore him and finish what I came to do and as I was leaving I notice the guys got one of those handless cell phones things on his ear. You know, I used to ask why anyone needs to have one of those things but just look at all the things you can do while talking on the phone. Isn't technology wonderful? Only now every time I answer the phone I wonder is this person taking a whiz or something more disgusting, EWW, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.   

Friday, August 08, 2008

Engeering Genius

        Engineering genius, I'd like to know who the engineering genius was that design the highway with the service areas in the middle. One our recent trip to North Carolina I had the pleasure of visiting one of these areas on the Jersey Turnpike. It was quite a thrill getting over from the right lane to the high speed lane to enter this oasis but not quite as thrilling as when I left and had to enter the high speed lane filled with suicidal nut jobs doing ninety miles an hour who would run into you before giving you a break. Sure they give you about a quarter mile to get up to at last seventy mile an hour but then you have to try to time your entry to an opening in the trafic. If you don't get an opening there's no turning back, don't even look in the mirror, just say a prayer and go for it and hope the big guy is listening.
       If I didn't know better I would think it was the same guy who designed some of Rhode Islands highways, like around Providence 146, 95, 195 and the spegetti ramps by the Providence Place Mall but I bet they went to the same school.