Saturday, April 26, 2008

Creating a bigger problem

         Congratulations Governor, you not only get to lay off one thousand state workers but you succeeded in forcing up to twenty five hundred state workers into early retirement to the delight of thousands of Rhode Island citizens. Unfortunately  these  people  who are being forced into retirement have been dedicated workers for many years  and don't deserve to be depicted as the cause of all the all the states problems.
         Does it make sense to force these people into retirement? Where's the savings? You may save money down the road on employees who don't have the years to retire but your just shifting the burden to the states retirement system, which can least afford it and the new retirees won't be paying into the system anymore, where's the savings? Seem like your just creating a bigger problem.

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Fwd: Now here is an airplane

Maybe this is why oil is $120 a barrel

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        Last night, after working around the house all day I decided to treat my Honey and myself  so I said HEY, LETS GO GET SOME ICE CREAM so off we go to Newport Creamery, we haven't been there for a while. Anyways, we get there and are seated and the girl come over and ask what we would like. No problem, We'll have 2 deserts sundaes, hey I'm a big spender, I know how to impress a girl. Sure we'll have nut, not problem. Hell, I'm treating my honey.
         OK, she brings over our sundaes,  looks good, one scoop of ice cream hot fudge, whipped cream and of course a cherry, YEA!!!!! We take our time and savor every bite, YUMMY!!!
         The girl brings over our check, HOLLY CRAP, OVER 7 DOLLARS. with the taxes, you see in R.I. we don't just pay one tax on what we eat in the restaurant but we also get to pay an added tax, don't ask me what its for. Now add the tip, over 9 DOLLARS. My wife says maybe the nuts were extra. Hell, I should have a pair like that.  Maybe it's me  but  that's a lot of  money  for a couple of scoops of  ice  cream, Some how our $2,69 sundae went up to $4.50.
         I guess we'll just have to go back to the old days when if you wanted to impress your girl you would take her to the corner store and get a soda with two straws.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kids book

         What the hell is this country coming to? I turned on the TV this morning and on one of the so called news programs, I think it was the Today Show, They were talking to this guy about a kids book he did on MOMMY'S TUMMY TUCK.. Give me a freakin break. What's next, Daddy's Vasectomy? Grandma's Roid  job? Why is Grandma sitting on that big donut mommy? Grandma had an operation on her butt and it hurts when she sits on it, Honey.
         Why would you write something like this? Maybe it's to make the kid feel guilty about stretching  mommys belly during pregnancy, LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME, MY SIX PACK ABS ARE GONE. What does this teach the kids? If your not happy with the body GOD gave you just go out and have it altered, not fixed, because in most cases there's nothing wrong with it  Maybe you don't like  Mother  Nature  did to you during pregnancy or over time  but that's life. If you were meant to have big boobs you would have been born a cow so look on the bright side, when a cow needs a boob job it gets eaten.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fwd: Old folks

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fwd: Fw: self portrait

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        Now From General Mills come a new cereal formulated just for seniors, New MAKEYOUCRAP is guaranteed to get things moving. Make from a blend of all natural oat brand and prunes MAKEYOUCRAP will do just that One bowl each morning and Granny is off and running like a twenty year old and her colon will be squeaky clean.
       Mrs Martha Spudthumper, 88 years young, who swears by MAKEYOUCRAP, states that I have a bowl every morning and I'm clean as a whistle all day
       So next time your shopping for cereal look for MAKEYOUCRAP, the cereal that makes you get up and go.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fwd: FW: Fw: Dog for Sale

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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Iran the real problem

        Listening to the report by General Petraeus and the Iraqi Ambassador  only one Question comes to mind  which has never been asked,  How do we stop Iran's involvement. Sooner or later we have to deal with Iran who is not only supplying weapons and training to Iraqi insurgents but to terrorist around the world. This is not just America's but a problem the whole world needs  to deal with.
        The fastest way to win a war is to stop the supply of weapons and supplies need to wage war. Our leaders know that Iran is supplying and training people who are killing our troops but don't want to confront Iran.
        In many ways  this war can be compared to Vietnam. In Vietnam we never really confronted the countries, Russia and China, who were supplying the North.We all know what the out come was.  Fifty thousand dead and thousands injured and the war was lost. Now we are involved in Iraq under similar circumstances. Have we learned nothing. We need to either do what's necessary to win, if that means a confrontation with Iran or we should leave before we loose any more of our find people.  

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Fwd: Visions by Octavio Ocampo

 This is amazing
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