Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Iran the real problem

        Listening to the report by General Petraeus and the Iraqi Ambassador  only one Question comes to mind  which has never been asked,  How do we stop Iran's involvement. Sooner or later we have to deal with Iran who is not only supplying weapons and training to Iraqi insurgents but to terrorist around the world. This is not just America's but a problem the whole world needs  to deal with.
        The fastest way to win a war is to stop the supply of weapons and supplies need to wage war. Our leaders know that Iran is supplying and training people who are killing our troops but don't want to confront Iran.
        In many ways  this war can be compared to Vietnam. In Vietnam we never really confronted the countries, Russia and China, who were supplying the North.We all know what the out come was.  Fifty thousand dead and thousands injured and the war was lost. Now we are involved in Iraq under similar circumstances. Have we learned nothing. We need to either do what's necessary to win, if that means a confrontation with Iran or we should leave before we loose any more of our find people.  

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