Monday, March 31, 2008

April Fools Day

           Do you know what tomorrow is? Its April 1st, YUP. April fools Day. Have you planed any good jokes to pull on your friends? You know tomorrow's the day to even the score with some of those people who's been aggravating you all year. You know the neighbor who walks his dog all the way down the street just to poop on your lawn.  I hope you've been saving it up just  for this occasion. You know what to do with it, be creative.
         How about the guy that takes your lunch out of the frig at work so you have to eat stale potato chips from the vending machine for dinner. Don't forget to stop at the bait shop on the way to work for a few worms to put on that sandwich he loves so much.
         Then of course  there's  always those little harmless pranks like, hey your shoe's untied or Super gluing a quarter to the floor and watching people trying to pick it up. Make sure there's a crowd around when you holler April fool day to the poor unsuspecting subject, kind of adds to the joke when he's humiliated in front of a crowd.
         So how ever you decide to celebrate this special day, have fun and do it in the name of good clean fun.. .  

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