Thursday, February 28, 2008

In the news, WE WANT YOU.

           In the news, WE WANT YOU, was the head line of the Providence Journal news paper, just one day after the test scores of our schools were released. The scores were so low that the state of Rhode Island is starting a recruiting campaign to draw smarter students to Rhode Island schools.
          The governor, at a news conference stated that the need for a program to draw smarter students to the state to bring up test scores is needed to maintain federal funding. he stated that the problem is not the teachers, who have tried every thing to get the message across to the students. The problem seems to be that our students just aren't bright enough to grasp the information put out
         Some of the incentives being considered to draw students in are free housing in places like the Marriott hotel and free debit cards for the Providence Place Mall.
         For more information send  resumes  Dept of  Education, Providence R,I,  Be sure to include copies of  your grades and references from your teachers and be prepared for random drug testing.

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