Friday, February 08, 2008

Economic stimulus package, who will benefit?

         Who will really benefit from the economic stimulus package passed yesterday? Think about it. Most everything you buy in our country was made in another country. If the money is used to pay debts of the mortgage crises the mortgage companies who caused the problem will profit from it. If  the money is used to pay off credit card bills the  credit card  people who can charge  up to thirty percent interest will  profit from it. So who will benefit from it?
         It will be nice to receive the check in the mail but what is really needed is for the government to change the  way  these people do business. Does it make sense to allow credit card companies to raise interest rates on people who are having trouble paying their bill to a rate that is impossible to pay. This is nothing more than legalized loan sharking. These companies are not worried about the balance you owe as long as you pay the interest.
        What I think we, the citizens of America,  need to do is sit back and take a good look at how  our  country does  business. Do our law makers work to protect the  the people  who put them  where they are  or  they making laws to protect big corporations  who  are making big profits off it's citizens?  This is an election year, maybe it's time for a change.

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