Monday, December 24, 2007

Mission accomplished.

        Well here it is Christmas Eve, I have to out this after noon to brave the crowds to get my wife's present. I know I cut it a little too close this year but I tried I just couldn't find that special present.
       I started out going to the bank for some money but the ATM was out of money. OK, not a great start so I'll go to Stop and Shop get the food for tomorrows dinner and get the money there. Hey, here's a spot right up front, great. Zip right in and step out into a big puddle. Damn. Things have got to get better. After shaking the water off my feet I get into the store and there's hundreds of people pushing carriages  up and down the Isles of course there's always the people who stop and leave their carriage blocking the whole isle, They're probably the same ones that caused all the problems on the highway during that snow storm, I'll have to remember to put them on my mothers day list.
        Finally I get what I need and pay, amazing the lines weren't too bad and get my cash from the ATM. Lets head to the mall.
       Holy Crap is all this traffic for the mall?  I know, I need gas anyways so I'll just go to the station across from the mall and then just shoot straight across at the light and miss the big line of traffic.Hey the price went down two cent. Boy Joann is lucky with the money I save I can get her something real nice.Things are looking up.
      Lets see Lane Bryant should have some thing nice and they'll have her size, what ever that is.I got a pretty good idea anyways. AH, I finally made it so  I'll just look around,  maybe a night gown,  NA. Look at the size of those Bra's Damn. I better get out of this dept before I get into trouble. There's what I'm looking for and it's fifty percent off, GREAT. let see, Ya, and I think this one's the right size. See I told you things would get better and if you wait till Christmas Eve you get half off.
       Now all I have to do is get home. OH, no they have cops directing traffic and it's all backed up. I know, I'll just cut across and go by Home Depot and down that side and get passed most of the traffic. That'll work. Only by the time I get there the cops holding my side up  and letting  all the other traffic go.  That'll  teach me.  OH well, at least my shoppings done and there's Christmas music on the radio. That's enough of that, not Holly Jolly Christmas again. Great we're moving next stop home. Thanks for coming along. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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